As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Tilling of the potato bed and the food
forest was completed this month in preparation for our spring
planting. Three goji berry bushes, 2 jostaberry bushes, 3 blueberry
bushes, and 2 grapevines, along with fava beans, Egyptian onions,
broccoli, cabbage, and parsnips are already planted. Hundreds more
seeds need to be planted in the coming weeks. Grow trays are being
planted with a wide variety of organic seeds ready to be planted out
over the next two months, insha'Allah.
For the big stuff, our neighbors
borrowed a plow and lent it to us, al hamdulillah.
Freesia and Daisy are well settled in
and the dairy deliveries are building up a customer base in Roy,
Mosquero, and Las Vegas. We are now selling fresh milk, cream,
cheeses, and eggs along with our Naturalcraft line of homemade
organic bodycare products.
Temperatures rose and the milder
weather encouraged some creative placement of things to turn the food
forest into something that resembles a small park. We are anxious to
get it fenced in, or fence in a chicken run, so we can go full steam
ahead with our planting.
Every day is an egg hunt here, as the
chickens are laying their eggs all over the place. Under the trailer,
in tires, beside the compost pile, in the rabbitry, and around the
coop as well as in their nesting boxes, they have the children
checking all over for eggs during the day.
The milking operation has gone solar,
with everything set up in the milking shed and hooked up to a solar
panel, charge controller, and inverter. Now we simply go up, prep the
cows, and flick a switch to milk them. Real luxury!
Caring for our dairy cows and the milking process looks like this.
The weather warmed up as spring
approached and the rabbits were nearing their due dates. They really
didn't seem to be doing what they were supposed to in terms of
preparing the nests for their kits, and on the 28th, in
the midst of a howling snow storm, Crystal kindled (gave birth) to
six kits (baby rabbits). It was far too cold for them and they died
within hours. Inna i'Illahi wa inna ilayhi ra'ajioon – an excellent
lesson on the realities of life and death for the children.