Friday, June 26, 2020

Dirtbag Depot

Tucked away among farms and barren grasslands in a forgotten corner of the state lies one of the best bouldering destinations in the country. Our video producer, a Roy fanatic, outlines how to visit the growing location without harming its fragile ecosystem. Read the full article here...The Climber's Guide to Bouldering in Roy, New Mexico

As Roy has one of the best locations for rock climbing in the world, we've decided to open a business to cater to the climbers, affectionately referred to as dirtbags. Here's the Urban Dictionary's definition...Dirtbag

The Dirtbag Depot will be renting out travel trailers and Mad Rock crash pads. We will also be selling various accessories, food, and organic products. 

Here are some pictures of the first travel trailer know as the V-spot. 

We'll get the V-spot checked over for mechanical issues, cleaned, sanitized, and painted in preparation for the climbing season which runs from October to April. We hope to have a fleet of 3-5 trailers available by 2021.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

YouTube Interview

As salaamu alaikum. This week we had the honor of being the first interview for a new YouTube channel. This is a community and family oriented channel dedicated to learning and supporting growers of color, in all forms and from all backgrounds. If you're interested in farming, sustainability, and/or supporting growers of color, this channel is for you.

Here's the link for the interview...

The Herban Life Interview

Sunday, June 7, 2020


One of the things to consider when living in a remote or rural location is natural disasters and emergencies. 

On 6 June, a fire started near the border of the Bell Ranch. The ranch is a bout 39 miles (63 km) away. Here are some pictures...

It rained a bit yesterday, but it wasn't enough to put out the fire. We ask that you pray for the safety of the firefighters, neighbors, animals, and property of the people. 

Friday, June 5, 2020


We've been on our homestead for 5 years. It might seem like we haven't accomplished much, but this is because we don't deal with financing. When we have money, we do a project. Al hamdulillah, the journey has been a beautiful one. If we had all of the money at once or bought an established homestead, we wouldn't have appreciated it as much, or neglected the benefits of reflecting on Allah's creation.

One of the most beautiful things is planting trees! Between March 14th and the 21st, we planted 50 trees. We also planted a few flowers. We intend to blanket our property with trees. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, trees played an integral part of my childhood. There's something special about playing outside all day, and eating cherries from your grandmother's tree that is peaceful. I grew up eating fresh cherries, apples, grapes, blackberries, and mulberries...and I want my grandchildren you one day experience a similar enjoyment.

Here are some pictures of the greenery on our homestead.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

We're Back!

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah! We know it's been a long while since we posted any updates. We wanted and planned to, but time gets the best of us. A lot has happened since last year. All of the plots in the 100 acre area have been purchased. Our little community now has 6 Muslim families, al hamdulillah! One of the members is Dr. Khalid Green. Here's the link to his YouTube channel...Khalid Green.

We are now working on a major Islamic boarding school for boys, grades 9-12. We will be sharing more about this project in future posts.

Our number of livestock, trees, and energy effectiveness has improved. We've also started advising others how they can establish their own homesteads.

Please check back on Fridays for new posts. Barak Allahu feekum.